"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring."
-Marilyn Monroe

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Open Eyes

This is my friend Ed who so graciously chose to accompany me on a photo expedition through the shiftier parts of downtown. As a matter of fact, this photo expedition was the one in which I took my final project photos that you see below.

Open Eyes

So these were the photos for my final project in photography. Tell me what you think please.

Open Eyes

After I finished school for the semester, I felt really restless. I was worried about grades coming in and about getting everything ready for the visitors we would be having so soon. I guess I felt like I needed some color in my life. Some brightness. So one day I was meandering about the house and found that I loved how the light was hitting the bananas. I took some photos and felt immediately more animated and serene than before. And that's the story for today. :)

MARIO BASANOV & VIDIS feat JAZZU - I'll be gone

I'll be gone from KORB on Vimeo.

MARIO BASANOV & VIDIS feat JAZZU - I'll be gone